Reach & Teach

The following is a design challenge work. The project was done remotely. Set out to be an application at the end of an Adobe XD Design Challenge, our findings compelled us to reflect on what could work better. In the end we decided to come up with a framework which could cater to a much larger user group than we were planning. Presented the findings to the Central Board of Secondary Education.


  • Design Research
  • Experience Design


  • Enterprise Design Thinking
  • Contextual Inquiry
  • Unstructured Interviews
  • Thematic Analysis
  • Personas
  • Ideas - Priotisation
  • Rough Protoype


  • Figjam
  • Webex
  • Adobe XD


  • 1 Week


Gaurav Rakheja, Rohan K., Vidyashree T.

1. The Challenge

How might we enable educators in better engaging with students in a remote learning set-up which varies from high to low-end technology accessibility and awareness?

2. Approach

We connected on a daily basis via Webex to share our progress - be it on research, insights or analysis we ensured there was proper knowledge sharing and distribution of work within the team at all times, we each diverged and divided our work, trying to understand different sectors & personas (Rural/ Urban/ Teachers & students alike)

Given our diverse locations and timings, we used the Enterprise Design Thinking Framework

3. Contextual Inquiry

We started our research with diverging from “Rural” to “Urban” and wide variety of target groups. We talked to students, parents and teachers to understand their point of view, their pain points, needs and also problem with existing solutions according to their context

A series of on the ground observations of the governments schools done to understand better prevelant patterns and behaviour among rural students. Below is some of the glimpses from out study done remotely and the currrent prevelant softwares.

4. Findings

The findings were interpreted as insights through mind maps for quicker and easier visualisation before. Here's one of the mind maps for instance:

5. Personas

Personas were designed on the basis interview insights we did to narrow down the scope and know who we were designing for.

5. Ideation

We connected on a mural board to ideate together. We used a vote system to segregate ideas into priorities.

6. Prototype

The R&T framework is set of solutions for better engagement and reach which educators can use to drive better engagement with students, both high & low technology ends. The framework includes solutions, which are provided in the form of a simple application. The features which can be incorporated into existing solutions as well. In areas where the application is not accessible due to network or device capability, the framework establishes some solutions for engagement at that particular level.

7. Reflections

Reach & Teach (R&T) is framework that can be used across many schools and colleges, the framework can be expanded into various approaches. Features incorporated within R&T offer better engagement & are also usable with the existing solutions across the market.

What it does right now is set the ball rolling by reaching remote areas and bringing our end users closer to an engaging education platform. We would like to thank the iX Team and the Adobe Team for giving us this opportunity to come up with a holistic solution towards a problem that is affecting millions across the globe.
